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DevOps from Scratch, Part 1: Vagrant & Ansible

Published: at 12:32 PM

Let’s say you’re at a startup and everything is going great. Your app is growing, users are happy, money is coming in.

What happens if there’s a news story about your company and you need scale up at 3 AM to keep the site up? What if Amazon decommissions a few of your application servers? Would it be easy to replace them?

If you create infrastructure without automation, these scenarios can sound spooky. You may have snowflake servers, each with their own configuration that differs slightly. Capturing the complete configuration details can feel intimidating.

It’d be great if we could automate our infrastructure and easily add new servers. But where do you start? There’s so many DevOps tools, it can be overwhelming to choose.

In this tutorial, we’ll create and deploy a Python web application to Amazon. We’ll use some DevOps tools such as Ansible, Terraform, and Vagrant and discuss how we’ll run the application itself.

Let’s get started!


At the end, we’d like a tiny application that we can programmatically provision and deploy.

We’ll use Flask for our web application. We’ll also say that we’d like to deploy new versions of our application with Git.

Neither of these may be exactly the way you’d choose to do it. That’s okay! The goal of this tutorial is to constrain choice enough to get to an end goal. If there are things you’d like to change afterwards, awesome.

We’ll perform each step and then automate the action we’ve just done. I find that doing something by hand helps me understand it better. Doing it twice will also help show why it’s useful to automate it because of the time it saves.

You could skip this process with something like Heroku but it’s helpful to understand as much of your application stack as you can. It’s useful knowledge when something goes wrong.

Our general workflow will be as follows, we’ll:

  1. Get the application running on our local machine
  2. Setup the application on a virtual machine with Vagrant
  3. Automate setting up the application in Vagrant with Ansible
  4. Manually set up our Amazon instance and deploy our application to it
  5. Automate the Amazon setup with Terraform
  6. Deploy to Amazon with Ansible

Local Development

Let’s start a Flask application. We’re going to pretend that this tiny app is part of a much larger picture.

To get started, we’ll assume that you already have Git installed. You can run git clone to get a copy of the project we’ll be working with. It’s from the Flask quickstart. Their docs do an excellent job explaining what the code does as well.

To run it, we’ll first need a few packages. From your command line, within the directory of our flask-hello-world project, run:

$ easy_install pip
$ pip install flask gunicorn

Alternatively, you can run pip install -r requirements.txt from the cloned Git directory to install the requirements.

After you’ve installed them, run python from your Terminal. When you go to http://localhost:5000, you should see our “Hello World!” page, as below.

Hello World!

Nice! That’s about as complicated as the application itself will be.

Up next, we want to move our development into a virtual machine with Vagrant.

Running Our App with Vagrant

Let’s say we want to make it so anyone can develop on our application. Keeping our code on our local machine works fine for a while. We could pass out the instructions we just gave (not too hard, right?). There’s two main challenges that you’ll encounter:

  1. We’ll need to replicate what it’s like to set up a new server. If you’re using your local machine, it’s tough to get it to act like a fresh machine.
  2. It’s possible that your local machine is a different type of box than your server. Perhaps you’re working on a Mac but deploying to a Linux box, for example. Maybe you’re deploying to a different version of the operating system or a different operating system all together.

We’ll use Vagrant for our development environment because it allows us to address these challenges. We’ll set up a virtual machine and run it there but still write code locally.

To get started, we’ll need to first install Vagrant.

Once that’s done, we should set up another folder for our DevOps stuff. In my case, I made a folder called devops-from-scratch and worked in there. I’ll refer to this folder as devops-from-scratch from now on, but feel free to use whatever you’d like.

From within your devops-from-scratch folder, run vagrant init in your Terminal. This sets up a basic Vagrant configuration file that we can change to suit our needs.

Here’s what we should change in our Vagrantfile:

  1. Change the value to ubuntu/trusty64. That sets our Virtual Machine to use one of the latest Ubuntu distributions.
  2. Uncomment the line that has private_network in it and note the IP address. (By default, it’s

With those modifications, it should look like this:

Next, in your terminal, run vagrant up. It will download the Ubuntu image that we specified as the value and create your server as a virtual machine. This might take a little while, depending on your connection speed.

Once it completes, run vagrant ssh. It will put us into the command line of our virtual machine (from here, referred to as a VM).

In your VM’s Terminal, run the following:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git python-pip
git clone
cd flask-hello-world
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

This is pretty much the same set of steps that we had followed above when we manually set up our environment.

Let’s go through each line briefly as a refresher.

  1. Refresh the system’s package cache.
  2. Using our operating system’s package manager, install git and python-pip. We’re going to use git to pull down our small sample project and python-pip to install requirements for our project.
  3. Create a local copy of the application.
  4. Change into the cloned application’s directory.
  5. Install the Python package requirements for the project from the requirements.txt file in the project’s directory.
  6. Run the application.

When it’s done, go to your browser and type in the location bar. You should see the app!

We’ve done these steps twice now, so that’s a good sign that we should think about automating them so that we can build out a foundation over time. Let’s automate what we have so far before we continue.

Our First Ansible Playbook

To automate the steps we followed above, we will use Ansible. Essentially, it will log in to servers that you specify using ssh and run commands on them.

To begin, let’s first install Ansible. On your host machine (not the vm), run pip install ansible.

Let’s create a file called site.yml in the same folder as your Vagrantfile. This will be our Ansible playbook, and it will contain our automation steps. site implies that this is the only file needed to get a successful version of our site up and running. The .yml extension tells us that it’s a YAML-formatted file (Ansible’s preference).

Let’s review what we’re doing here, line by line.

Now that we have the playbook defined, we’ll need to tell our VM to use it when setting itself up. In your Vagrantfile, uncomment the bottom-most section on provisioning and change it to look like this:

  config.vm.provision 'ansible' do |ansible|
    ansible.playbook = 'site.yml'
    ansible.verbose = 'v'

We’re telling Vagrant to use the site.yml file we created and to use verbose output. Then, let’s reprovision your host. This will run all the commands we defined in the playbook on it. vagrant provision should take care of it.

To prove that our automation works, let’s redo our VM from scratch. Tearing things down and reprovisioning them is a good way to make sure your automation completes all the necessary steps.

To destroy your VM, run vagrant destroy. After it’s destroyed, type vagrant up to recreate the VM and to provision it in one go.

When it comes back up, we should be able to vagrant ssh into our VM and run the following to get our server up and going again:

cd flask-hello-world

Nice! I love automation.

Enter Gunicorn

Now that we have a decent base, we can start polishing up our application. One of the things we’ll need is a webserver to serve requests. Serving requests through the application’s debug server poses serious security risks and it’s not intended for anything like a production load.

To serve our requests, we’re going with gunicorn. Other popular options are uWSGI or gevent but, for the sake of constraining choice, we’ll go with this one.

We’re going to assume that the rest of what you’re doing here will be run within the Vagrant box unless otherwise specified.

We’ve already installed gunicorn in the earlier requirements.txt file. If you’re not working from the the same application repo, add a line for gunicorn to your requirements.txt file.

After it’s been installed, you should be able to run the following:

$ gunicorn --bind app:app

This will use gunicorn to serve your application through WSGI, which is the traditional way that Python webapps are served. It replaces our usual python step. This is the simplest way to serve our application for now.

Automating the Gunicorn service

Now that we have gunicorn roughly configured (it’s not perfect yet of course!), we’ll want to set up a script so that we can run our server automatically when our server restarts or just kick the process if it’s stuck.

How we’ll do that is with an upstart script. Upstart handles starting and stopping tasks, so it’s a good fit for us.

We’re going to use a slightly modified script from the gunicorn examples. Create this file in the VM in /etc/init/hello-world.conf.

description "hello-world"

start on (filesystem)
stop on runlevel [016]

setuid nobody
setgid nogroup
chdir /home/vagrant/flask-hello-world

exec gunicorn app:app --bind

When you’ve created the file, you should be able to run sudo service hello-world start to start the task, go in your browser, and then view the service at, as before. The big difference is now we have something that will run it for us, so we don’t need to SSH in to run our server.

Great, now that we have that set up, let’s automate that process! Editing files on a server is a sure way to forget something long-term.

Automating the automation with Ansible

Let’s go back and modify our Ansible site.yml file. We want to copy the hello-world.conf file that we created above onto our servers. In order to do that, we need a local copy. We could copy the file directly from the VM into our devops-from-scratch directory, but we’d be missing out on some of the benefits of Ansible. Namely, that we could be using a variable instead of hard coding the path to our repository.

In the same directory as our site.yml file, create a new file: hello-world.upstart.j2. The .j2 extension implies that we’re going to be using it as a Jinja2 template.

All that said, let’s look at the new file we’ll write:

description "hello-world"

start on (filesystem)
stop on runlevel [016]

setuid nobody
setgid nogroup
chdir {% raw %}{{ repository_path }}{% endraw %}

exec gunicorn app:app --bind

Subtle difference, right? We’re plugging in the same variable that we’re using in our site.yml file into this one.

Ok, now that we have this template file, we’ll need to set up Ansible to copy it into the same directory as we used when doing it manually.

Let’s add a section to the bottom of our site.yml file in the tasks section:

    - name: Copy Upstart configuration
      template: src=hello-world.upstart.j2 dest=/etc/init/hello-world.conf

    - name: Make sure our server is running
      service: name=hello-world state=started

We’re using Ansible’s template and service modules to accomplish our task. What we’re saying is that we want to copy the template file that we defined into the directory that we used before. It will use the variables we have defined in our file, inject them into the template, and write them to the destination path we have defined.

Then, we want to make sure our service has started (just like before!). If it hasn’t been started yet, start it.

Run another vagrant provision, make sure everything’s looking good, and we can move on to the next step! You’re doing great so far if everything is working.

A basic nginx site

Now that we have gunicorn configured, we need an HTTP server to handle the requests themselves and make sure we route our users to the right application. We’ll use nginx to do this, though you could use any number of other alternatives too. I like nginx and I’ve worked with it the most.

As before, we’ll do the steps manually and then automate the process.

To install the package, vagrant ssh into your box and run sudo apt-get install nginx. Confirm the prompt and let that package fly!

You should be able to go to your browser at currently and see nginx’s version of “Hello world!”.

Once you’re back at your command prompt, we’ll set up our first nginx configuration file.

We’re going to more or less copy the stock nginx recommended file for the sake of time. The goal of this configuration file is to make sure that we can access our server at the same host ( but without needing to specify a port. Can you think of the last time you went to a site like eBay and put in a port? Exactly.

We’ll write our file to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/hello-world and it should look like this:

Our file tells nginx to look for our server a unix socket which, if our gunicorn server is running properly, should be accessible!

At this point, if we do a sudo service nginx restart, we see this:

$ sudo service nginx restart
 * Restarting nginx nginx!

Oh right, the unix socket. Ok, let’s make a few more changes to the way gunicorn works.

Troubleshooting our site

Hm… ok. So there’s some problem. Well, we defined the path for our error log in the above nginx configuration file to be at /var/log/nginx/error.log, so let’s look at that file.

If we do sudo tail -n 10 /var/log/nginx/error.log, we see the following:

sudo tail -f -n 100 /var/log/nginx/error.log
2016/03/05 23:15:54 [emerg] 6249#0: bind() to failed (98: Address
already in use)
2016/03/05 23:15:54 [emerg] 6249#0: bind() to failed (98: Address
already in use)
2016/03/05 23:15:54 [emerg] 6249#0: bind() to failed (98: Address
already in use)
2016/03/05 23:15:54 [emerg] 6249#0: bind() to failed (98: Address
already in use)
2016/03/05 23:15:54 [emerg] 6249#0: bind() to failed (98: Address
already in use)
2016/03/05 23:15:54 [emerg] 6249#0: still could not bind()

Ah, so there’s a server that’s already running and it can’t get access to the port. Right. Well, in this case, it’s a problem with the default site that’s enabled by nginx. We don’t need it, so let’s remove it with sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default.

Run sudo service nginx restart and it should work. Check it out in your browser at Cool right? It’s coming along!

As before, the next step will be to automate this.

Automating nginx

This is actually quite simple to add to our Ansible setup. Create another file in the same directory as site.yml named hello-world.nginx.j2 and copy the file that we defined above.

At the bottom of our site.yml file, we’ll add this section:

We’re going to modify our site.yml file again to include the steps necessary to set up nginx.

When we’re done, it should look like this:

In this update, we’re introducing a new Ansible concept. A handler is something that takes action at the end of your chain of events. In this case, we’re saying “If the nginx configuration changes, please notify nginx that it should reload itself.” Our handler won’t restart otherwise, because we don’t need to restart nginx if everything’s going great.

We also added a section in here to remove the default site if it exists. state=absent means that Ansible will make sure it’s not there for us.

Finally, note that we added nginx to the list of packages we need to install.

Let’s run vagrant provision again, check out our server, and move on to the next thing!

Wait, what’s the next step? We have our app running with the web server and code, so that’s all good. The next step should be to do one final check and make sure we don’t need any of the manual configuration we did along the way.

The next step for us with our tiny app is actually to deploy it into the wild! We’re going to deploy to Amazon Web Service’s EC2 service. Other options include Digital Ocean, Linode, Heroku, etc.

One more time, let’s run a vagrant destroy, vagrant up to make sure it all works. You should not have to SSH at any time, you should just be able to go to your browser at when it’s done and see our ‘Hello World’ example!

Up Next: Amazon & Terraform!

Congrats on making it this far!

In the next part of this series, we will deploy the app to Amazon and automate infrastructure provisioning with Terraform.

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DevOps from Scratch, Part 2: Amazon & Terraform
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The Two Trains and Other Refactoring Analogies