All the articles I've posted.
Answers to Django Security Questions
Published: at 06:56 AMAnswers to Django security questions
Using Bandit in the Field
Published: at 03:17 PMA discussion of using Bandit to find vulnerabilities in Python code
Finding Vulnerabilities with Bandit Talk
Published: at 06:23 AMA talk about using Bandit to find vulnerabilities in Python code
10 Software Talks to Listen to on Your Way to Work
Published: at 03:17 PMA list of software talks that I've found useful
Dangerous Python Functions, Part 2
Published: at 08:22 AMA discussion of dangerous Python functions and how to avoid them
Dangerous Python Functions, Part 1
Published: at 12:54 PMA discussion of dangerous Python functions and how to avoid them
The Sunglasses Scam
Published: at 02:09 PMA story about an accidental scam in Ragnarok Online and what it taught me about human psychology
Intro to Code Reviews talk
Published: at 08:54 AMA talk introducing code reviews, their benefits, and how to get started with them on your team
Impostor Syndrome and Me
Published: at 02:18 PMPersonal reflections on dealing with impostor syndrome as a software developer
Code Review Best Practices
Published: at 08:54 AMCode reviews can be challenging! How do you make them valuable without being a burden? Here's what I've learned about making code reviews effective for both reviewers and authors.